Genus of Vulvorchidaceae

We need to talk about this! Yes, about female sexuality. Many girls grow up not even knowing on how to call the outer part of their genitalia. Is it the vagina? Clitoris? What part is what and why do we even have a clitoris? It doesn't come from nowhere that the vulva is one of the biggest symbols for feminism. There is nothing more emporwering than knowing and loving our own bodies, especially what we have "down there" - another phrase to avoid mentioning female sexuality, because we just never were taught on how to talk about it! With penises it's easy and it also seems perfectly normal for boys to explore their body and masturbate. It is still a big taboo for girls, though.
That is why I wanted to work on this subject. My goal was also to portray the vulvas beauty, because most women think theirs might be abnormal, too wrinkly, the inner lips too big, too assymetrical, too everything. Factually, there is a big variety of vulva-shapes and they all are normal, and that's why we should talk more about it. So I fused it with the godess of beauty: the orchid.
After researching about femininity, I realized that the vulva alone as a feminist symbol would be excluding trans- and non-binary women. Some women have penises! Also, some women have intergender genitals. To include them and also women with neovulvas (vulvas which are made through reassignment surgerys) I made an orchid for each genital. The inclusion of intersex genitals was especially important to me, because they don't get much recognition. Many babys which can't be classified biologically, get surgery done which affects them for their lifetime with pain. They also simply couldn't choose themselves.
For me, feminism should be for anyone who suffers from the patriarchal system, so this also means non cis-women should have a hearing in feminism. In conclusion, the vulva might not be a perfect symbol, but its a start. The acceptance of the movement in the broad population is also one step further. However, it is important to also talk about the "newer" aspects of feminism and why it is important to fight for their equality and rights, too.